Yogic Bodies
In Kundalini tradition according to Tantric numerology the bodies have been classified as 10 bodies based on the energy, and how they affect us.
It is the first body also called “Atma” or self. Also called Jivan-atma which means living soul that refers to individual soul. Soul is weightless believed to carry memory of all the past lives. In this tradition we believe, the human soul enters the mother’s womb on 120th day and the soul decides the parents, environment based on the experiences it has chosen to have in this lifetime. Soul leaves the body at the time of human death, carried with the carriage of the 9th body or subtle body.
Key Phrase: Head Vs Heart
Protective Mind – The key words to the Second Body are “longing to belong”. It’s quite relevant because every two wants to be one. You’ve got this urge to merge, you’ve got this longing to belong that’s definitely a part of human existence and consciousness. You always want to join something. You want to be part of a group, you want to expand your identity. If the joining is within your own self it will be your higher self and your lower self joined. This is the union that yoga talks about. You may join with someone else, have a relationship, get a partner, get married. You may join an institution, merging with your job and your co-workers. You may join a group so that you can be part of that group, and wear a certain style of clothing so you’ll be accepted. All those things are very much a part of human existence, that longing to belong, where every two wants to be one.
Key Phrase: Longing to Belong
Projective Mind – For the Third Body, we’re dealing with the risk/reward ratio. The key words are “Devil or Divine”. The idea of “Devil”, by my way of thinking, means that people who are over- projective can take you to hell faster than anybody else.
Key Phrase: Devil Vs Divine
Meditative Mind – Fourth Body is meditative mind. It’s a balance between protective mind and projective mind. When this body is working well, you have automatic balance between the two. You strengthen the Fourth Body through meditation. Generally, you think that weighing and balancing things logically is the way to go. That’s a conscious process. There’s nothing wrong with being logical, but if the meditative mind is strong, this weighing and balancing is an automatic process. You can still consider things; it doesn’t mean that you don’t go through conscious weighing and balancing. When you’re in meditative mind, you make your decisions from the balance between protective and projective mind.
Key Phrase: Cup of Prayer
In order to get this physical body, from the yogis’ point of view, you have to have had at least 8.4 million incarnations, which is a lot of incarnations; it’s a long time. By my teacher’s definition, 8.4 million incarnations constitutes one light year, and it takes 100,000 light years to get a physical body that is capable of self-realization. So it’s a special deal having a physical body.
Key Phrase: Half God, Half Man, Half of Balance
The arc line is your halo. It’s actually depicted in old paintings of saints. You don’t have to be a saint to have one. Everybody has one. It is a band of energy that runs across the top of the head from ear to ear in both men and women. Women have an extra arc line that moves across the chest from nipple to nipple as well. The arc line can be as thick as an inch and a half — very strong, silvery, and lustrous, or it can be pencil-thin, quite dull, and broken.
Key Phrase: Man at Prayer
The Seventh Body is the Auric Body. There is an electromagnetic energy field that surrounds the body which includes the arc line, the radiant body, and the subtle body. When people refer to `aura’ they’re talking about this energy field.
Key Phrase: Platform for Elevation
The Eighth Body is the Pranic Body, and it deals with prana -the energy that comes in with the breath. Eighth Body is all about how you deal with polarity – whether you use it for separation or unity. In your unified states you are fearless, in your dualistic states you are fearful.
Key Phrase: Finite Vs Infinite
The Ninth Body is the Subtle Body. It is as it says it is. When your Subtle Body is working, you become subtle. When this ninth body is strong you are calm, you are subtle, you are long-term in your thinking.
Key Phrase: Mastery or Mystery
The Tenth Body is the Radiant Body. If you just take the First Body and magnify it, you basically have the Radiant Body. The issues are similar – it’s 1 plus 0, which magnifies it. The Radiant Body specifically is a little band that sits on top of your aura. It enables you to act courageously, which means acting even though you are afraid
Key Phrase: All or Nothing, Creative Consciousness
The Tenth Body is the Radiant Body. If you just take the First Body and magnify it, you basically have the Radiant Body. The issues are similar – it’s 1 plus 0, which magnifies it. The Radiant Body specifically is a little band that sits on top of your aura. It enables you to act courageously, which means acting even though you are afraid
Key Phrase: Regal
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