1) Sit in Easy Pose with the arms straight out to the sides and the palms facing up. Open and close the hands, moving only your four fingers and not your thumbs. Begin breath of fire. Inhale as the hands close, exhale as the hands open. Continue rhythmically coordinating the movement of the hands with powerful breathing for 4 minutes. Then continue the movement with the palms facing down for 1 minute more.
This exercise works on the brain. The control system for the brain is located in the fingertips.
“2) In Easy Pose extend the arms straight out to the sides and parallel to the ground. Place the thumbs inside the hands and make the hands into fists. Alternately, cross the arms in front and back of the head, returning to the original position between each movement. Continue rhythmically coordinating the movement with powerful breathing for 4 minutes.
This exercise works on the lymph nodes and removes calcium deposits from the shoulder area.
3) Remain sitting and extend the legs and arms straight out in front of you, parallel to each other with the hands flat and the thumbs locked together. ”
“Keeping the head up with a straight spine and no bend in the elbows or knees stretch forward as you exhale and return upright as you inhale. Continue with fast, powerful breathing for 4 minutes.
This exercise works on putting the body into proper alignment.
4) Sit with the legs stretched out in front of you. Place the palms on your temples keeping the fingers together and the thumbs separate. Point the hands away from the front of the face. Begin twisting the whole upper body from left to right. Continue with powerful breathing, inhaling left and exhaling right for 2 minutes.
This exercise works on removing calcium deposits from the shoulders and neck. You may feel pain in the armpits the balance of parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems is adjusted.”
“5) Remain sitting with the legs stretched out in front of you. Come into Yoga Mudra by interlacing the fingers in Venus Lock behind the back, keeping the elbows straight. Inhale in 4 parts as you bend forward, raising your arms up as high as possible. Exhale in one breath as you return upright. Continue rhythmically coordinating the movement and breath for 2 minutes.
This exercise gives endurance and grit
- Stand up with the hands locked behind you in Venus Lock as before. Lower yourself down as though you were sitting in a chair of standard height and stay there. Inhale in 4 counts and bend forward, raising your arms up behind you. Exhale in one breath and return to the original upright sitting position. Continue rhythmically coordinating the movement and breath for 2 minutes.
This exercise works on the knees.
“7) Sit down with the left leg stretched out straight in front of you. Place the sole of the right foot firmly against the inside of the left thigh so that the heel creates a closure in front of the genital area. Reach forward and catch the left toe or foot, whichever is more comfortable. Pull the neck back and bend forward as you exhale. Inhale and come up. Continue with powerful breathing for 3 minutes. Then inhale, change legs and continue for 3 minutes more.
This exercise is for the spine. The closure or “gate” which the heel creates in front of the genital area allows the body to remove toxins.
8) Sit in Easy Pose. Fold the arms, right over left, hands grasping the biceps. Rock forward slightly and bounce up and down on the buttocks like a jumping bean. Jump hard and breathe powerfully for 4 minutes.
This exercise works on breaking up deposits and unwanted fat in the body. It stimulates the circulation and builds strength in the spine to resist injury in case of trauma.
9) Remain sitting in Easy Pose with the hands folded at the chest in Prayer Mudra. Chant with Jaap Sahib, copying the sound exactly until the recording reaches Gobinde, Mukande. If the recording is not available, breathe slowly and deeply for 7-11 minutes.
This exercise works on cleansing the mind.