Chakras in Kundalini Yoga
The spine and the human energy field contain chakras, or energy centers, that vibrate at different frequencies. Each chakra presents us with the opportunity to establish a root relationship and to satisfy a deep soul desire.

Root or Muladhara
“Moola” in Sanskrit means root and “adhara” is the base or support. Because of the location of this chakra, it is the base of all the other chakras. Kundalini Shakti, the serpent power in each human being, resides in the Mooladhara Chakra. At this centre stabilization of vital energy takes place. When energy increases in mooladhara, great physical and psychological presence is felt. This chakra has the nature of animal instincts. This chakra reveals how a person can succumb to the forces of nature and is related to gross matter. Strength of muscles, durability of bone’s, etc. is manifested in this state. An example of how to meditate on this chakra is by concentrating on the root chakra, the spot in between the genitals and the anus, chant the sound LAM, and visualize the symbolic colour Red.”

“The meaning of the Sanskrit word “Svadhishtana” is sweetness. Only after balancing this chakra, one starts developing fearlessness, compassion, love, etc. In this state, one develops heightened creativity and imagination. This chakra is the place of unconscious desires and passions. Meditation on this chakra can bring mastery over the animal instincts, release negative emotions such as fear, worry and hate, and replace these emotions with a greater capacity for compassion and love.”

The meaning of the Sanskrit word “Manipura”is “Mani” which means beads or jewels and “pura” means a place or city, etc. When your consciousness is at this stage, you have crossed the negative part of the Swadhishtana Chakra. The Center for vitality lies in the Manipura Chakra. When consciousness is at this level, one feels health, well-being, and balanced energy. This chakra focuses on: willpower, a sense of transformation, government of personal energies, discipline of the ego, self control, a sense of power and authority. It is at this point that one is able to monitor and assess how internal energies affect the external body.

Anahata or Heart
The Sanskrit word “Vishuddhi” mean’s purification. “Shuddhi” means cleansing and “Vishuddhi” means complete purification. In this chakra one starts speaking the truth with thoughtfulness, discrimination, honesty, and fearlessness. Through this chakra, one can influence people with peaceful speech. When this chakra is open and balanced, one can share their state of mind with others while nourishing the other’s mind through good words. Since all relationships rely on truthful, open, direct communication, this is the prime chakra to make relationships harmonious in your life. With calm thoughts, an open heart, and with clear, effective communication, this chakra is related to freedom. Until this chakra is fully active there are feelings of restrictions, anxiousness and lack of freedom. When this chakra is blocked it is common for throat problems to manifest.

The Sanskrit word “Vishuddhi” mean’s purification. “Shuddhi” means cleansing and “Vishuddhi” means complete purification. In this chakra one starts speaking the truth with thoughtfulness, discrimination, honesty, and fearlessness. Through this chakra, one can influence people with peaceful speech. When this chakra is open and balanced, one can share their state of mind with others while nourishing the other’s mind through good words. Since all relationships rely on truthful, open, direct communication, this is the prime chakra to make relationships harmonious in your life. With calm thoughts, an open heart, and with clear, effective communication, this chakra is related to freedom. Until this chakra is fully active there are feelings of restrictions, anxiousness and lack of freedom. When this chakra is blocked it is common for throat problems to manifest.

Third Eye
“In Sanskrit “Ajna” means “perception.” This chakra is closely related with psychic abilities and is beyond individual consciousness. Allowing you to step outside yourself and into the greater consciousness of the universe, it gives abilities such as precognition and telepathy. One develops powerful intuition, which is trustable, reflecting the self in others, etc. This chakra is the abode of the intellectual power. There is a great insight at this state. Control over one’s memory, concentration, etc. happens at this point. Telepathic ability, perceiving the subtlety of the cosmos, clairvoyance, etc. is manifested. Sometimes, one has the vision of future events, activities, or situations. This chakra is supremely important to fostering intelligence and understanding of the universe. Only by gaining control over this chakra, one can experience the full potential and strength of the mind and the all-pervading cosmic consciousness. At this stage of consciousness, one can use the power of all-pervading cosmic mind through the individual mind.

The meaning of the Sanskrit word “Sahasrara” is “thousand folded”; like a lotus with a thousand petals. This is the highest plane with non-existence. This is the ultimate plane of human consciousness, the final chakra. At this point, one is beyond the cause and effect of karmas, nature, etc. This is the final point, the apex of spirituality. It is at this chakra that actual yoga occurs – the communion with divine consciousness. The self is dissolved with the cosmos; there is no individual. This is the state of enlightenment or nirvana. To reach this state is to become utterly enlightened, completely in tune with all that is, and all that will be. It is the acceptance of death, understanding of the ego, and disregard for the self in favour of the cosmos. This is the chakra that completes the goal of human life.

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