Our system has what is called a ‘reserve force.’ It is a meditating power that is the cooperation among the hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal. Medical science has not totally understood it, neither has it reached it. The body mechanism is under the control of this trinity: pineal is called the father, pituitary is called the son, and hypothalamus is called the holy ghost. It is called the trinity of the life psyche. Kundalini Yoga is a simple methodical system to reach that reserve of the psyche through which we can live and develop forever.
~Yogi Bhajan
“These three mantras and these three kriyas are for the trinity of your soul. It will give you the balance of the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal.”

7.30 Minutes

Sit in Easy Pose with your spine straight. Stretch your arms out straight to the sides parallel to the ground, palms up.

Hand Mudra
Touch the Mercury (pinkie) finger to the thumb, keeping the other fingers straight.

Guru Gaitri Mantra: "Gobinde, Mukande, Udaare, Apaare, Hariang, Kariang, Nirnaame, Akaame." (One repetition of the mantra =10 seconds) 6 Minutes.

Inhale and hold the breath for 20 Seconds. Relax. Then “give your energy to every organ” by twisting left and right and moving around for about 30 Seconds.